



Feeling around, I open my eyes I see that Mekhi is calling through video chat so I wipe my face and answer.

"Hello," I say with a groggy voice.

"Hey baby," he says excitedly.

"Hey," I say looking at him smiling like a crazy person.

"Did I disturb your sleep," he asks.

"No, I was waiting for you to call me, I didn't realize I fell asleep waiting, Congratulations on your big

win! I'm so happy for you," I say smiling excitedly.

"Thank you love, I'm sorry for calling you so late," he says with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"Its fine, I would have been mad if you hadn't called at all," I say to him switching on my bedside


"So, how was your day? Any trouble," he asks sitting on his bed and I realize that he's shirtless.

"No, unfortunately it was boring and I couldn't kick anyone's ass," I say to him with a smirk.

"Ha ha ha, you didn't miss me at all," he says still chuckling.

"Of course I did," I say adjusting myself on the pillows I'm lying on.

"Well, well, well what do we have here," he asks looking at me.

"Huh," I say confused.

"You're showing a lot of skin," he says tilting his head downward and I remember that I'm wearing a nightgown.

"Oh, this little old thing. I forgot I had it on," I say moving my phone so that he can see it.

"It looks nice," he says with a half-smile.

"Yeah, I like wearing your pjs better," I say to him biting my lip feeling flirty.

"I like you in mine too," he says.

"So, how are you feeling seriously? Just one more game," I ask him changing the subject.

"Ecstatic, tired, happy…baby it's one of those things I can't really put into words," he says shaking his head.

"Hmm, I can imagine so…" I say with a yawn.

"Sorry for waking you up love," he says.

"No, no it's okay really! I'll catch up on sleep later on," I say to him with a smile.

"Not in your car right," he says reminding me.

"No, I'll wait for you before I nap somewhere else," I say with a giggle.

"Good, you know you can always go to my dorm," he says with half smile.

"I know, I'm not going in there by myself by myself though. I'll just wait for you," I say to him.

"You know, I'm completely with whatever you want to do as long as you're not in your car," he says laying back on his bed.

"I know, I'll be moving in my place soon then I will be able to just go home and nap," I say to him.

"You look a little happier about that," he says.

"Yeah, it's easier to just accept it and begin the transition mentally before it creeps up on me and I'm blindsided by it," I admit.

"Well you know you can always just move in with me, I'll keep you safe," he says nonchalantly.

"Umm, sir! It's much too soon for that, don't you think," I say to him a little excited.

"No, I don't. I already know what I want, I've told you this before. I won't force you though, you'll come around," he says with a knowing smile.

"Umm yeah…about that," I say to him.

"What," he asks.

"I can't tell you yet, I'll wait until you get here," I say to him playfully.

"Oh no, you're telling me now," he says curious.

"Sorry, can't do that yet," I say to him with another yawn.

"Alright, I'll let you go for now because you're tired and I'm keeping you up," he says.

"Okay," I say with a smile.

"Get some rest," he says.

"Goodnight Kai," I say waving and blowing him a kiss.

"Goodnight baby," he says with a shy smile and he hangs up.

'This guy is going to drive me crazy! I haven't even met his parents and he's talking about moving in together! On one hand it would be nice because he'd always be around, but it seem like it's too soon especially because we're still in college. It's too late to keep thinking about this after some sleep I'll have a clear mind.'

I place my phone on the charger and stretch before turning off my lamp settling underneath my blankets. Exhausted, I fall asleep quickly dreaming about all the possibilities that lay before me.

The next morning passes by in a quick sleepy blur as my midnight conversation with Mekhi shows its effects. I still manage dress nicely so that when I see him, I don't look like I just rolled out the bed. After breakfast, I head to campus and study at the library to make up for yesterday's short session. At first I struggle to focus, then before I know it I'm knocking out the study questions.

During Biology with Susu, we learn of an impromptu pep rally being held for our men's basketball conference champions. With chatter breaking out amongst the students, our professor decides to give us a pass since we're only reviewing for midterms.

"So how is Mekhi doing," Susu asks after the professor lets us have our way.

"He's fine! Ecstatic from their win for sure. How is everything on your end," I ask her.

"Yeah, I'll bet! It was a close one. Everything is alright for me, just looking forward to our trip," she says.

"Yeah, I'm so ready to be done with midterms and just go straight to spring break," I say to her giggling.

"Absolutely, we should do a shopping trip sometime soon," she says.

"I said the same thing but Mekhi insists on shopping together, so maybe we can try to all go together and that way the guys have a chance to interact with one another and we get to shop," I say to her making up the plan as I go along.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe he wants to go exclusively with you," she says.

"That is a possibility…maybe I can come up with something else," I say thinking to myself.

"Don't worry, the girls and I can go without you," she says reassuringly.

"Are you sure," I ask biting my lip.

"Yes, we'll have plenty of time to get together as a group. If he wants to spend some alone time with you, you should take advantage of it for sure," she says with a wise smile.

"Hmm, you're right. Are you staying for the pep rally," I ask her.

"Most likely, I don't have anything else to do. My job cancelled my shifts so that I could study properly," she says.

"That's cool! We should meet up with Nova and Rylie and go in together," I say taking out my phone to text them.

"Yeah, we can do that," she says.

"Let's grab lunch before we come back to campus, with all of this excitement buzzing in the air I think afternoon classes will be cancelled," I say.

"They are, I just checked," she says looking up from her own phone.

"Cool let's go to lunch," I say standing as the class ends.

As we leave the room, I receive a text from Mekhi asking me to attend the pep rally. I hook my arm through Susu's and we walk like this chatting until we reach my car. We place our bags inside and sit on the hood and chat until Nova and Rylie reaches us. We agree to go for sandwiches for lunch so we take mine and Nova's cars to the sub shop close to campus. When we arrive, we order our food and eat outside on the patio enjoying the warm sunny weather. We chat and pass the time until it's almost time for the pep rally to begin.