Mrs. Eason Pt. II

"Now that it's just us girls here let's loosen ourselves up and have a good chat," she says with a smile.

"Yes," I say nodding my head.

"So how did you guys meet," she asks with a smile before taking a sip of her drink.

"We met on a rainy day as I was walking into a café, the wind blew my umbrella out of my hands and he happened to catch it for me. He introduced himself to me and we chatted in line for a little bit and I decided to pay for his meal to thank him for catching my umbrella. Mekhi being the gentleman he is wouldn't allow me to pay for his meal, in fact he ended up paying for mine. He said I could thank him by sitting and chatting with him," I say smiling remembering that day as if it happened this very morning and shaking my head.

"That's sweet! It sounds like something Mekhi would do. How long has it been since then," she asks.

"Honestly…only a few weeks," I reply a little embarrassed.

"Hmm, that's not long at all. Don't be nervous darling. I've been hearing about you for a little while now, so when he told me that you were finally dating I was excited to meet you. My son has dated a few girls, nice girls, but only one other than you has peaked his interest this much. I don't want to discuss his past as he's determined to have you in his future and you're currently his present…just be kind to my son," she says meaningfully and I realize that she's only trying to gauge my feelings for her son to protect him.

"I'm aware of his affection for me and his past experiences. He knows of my past experiences as well, although we haven't been together long we strive to be as transparent as possible with one another. When he revealed his real identity to me I was shocked, he left me with the option of leaving or moving on with him. I had already decided that I would accept everything that came along with being with someone like Mekhi who is popular, handsome, and sought after. My only worry was that the weight of who he is compared to who I am is significantly larger. He has done a wonderful job at keeping me from having to feel that weight so I decided to stay with him. I will continue to do my best in our relationship as long as he does the same," I say to her honestly. At this point the only reason I would have to want to leave him is if they disapprove of me.

"Have you spoken to anyone about his identity," she asks after absorbing everything I had said. Testing my loyalty, no doubt.

"No, he told me that it would be divulged when you meet my parents," I reply to her.

"What are your parents' impressions of my son," she asks.

"They like him, they see that he treats me well and he is very well mannered. As long as he is who I want to be with they will not interfere in my decisions unless it impacts my life negatively," I answer her.

'The same exact way you are with your son, they are with me. Everyone is trying to protect their loved one's feelings.' I think to myself.

"Mekhi tells me that you are going on vacation for spring break, if possible I would like to meet your parents along with my husband before classes start back up. We can set a meeting date before you leave this evening," she says with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Eason," I say to her.

'Finally, we are getting somewhere!'

"I apologize for my line of questioning it may seem rude or intrusive, but I have to protect my son and his identity. I have to know that the person he chooses to be with is in it for the right reasons. Maintaining his current identity is very important, while we are one of the most powerful families our low profile is advantageous not only for business but personal connections as well as not alerting anyone who may want to cause us harm. I just want to make sure the one that my son wants, wants him," she says eloquently and I begin to understand her worries.

"Honestly, had I known Mekhi is who he is I probably would have ran in the other direction. My life is simple and not complicated. My parents have created wealth for our family but, I am still able to carry on a pretty much free life. No one cares who their children are, so our lives are without restriction. I understand everything that comes along with being with Mekhi will be a hassle and bothersome for my otherwise free life, but I wouldn't make the decision of continuing to be with him without weighing those things out. I don't want or need anything from Mekhi besides his loyalty and love," I reply to her with a sincere smile.

'If I didn't like him, I definitely would not be sitting here to have this conversation. And he would not have met my parents.'

"Thank you for being honest with me. I really hope that everything works out for you guys. I still advise you to consider pulling a double major to strengthen yourself. Even if the relationship between you and my son does not go the distance this will prove beneficial to you," she says honestly.

"Thank you. I will consider the advice you have given me," I say to her gratefully feeling as though we have reached the end of an awkward yet informative conversation.

'I think she's trying to help me out secretly. I'll follow her advice and see what happens. I will have to work harder, but I can do it.'

"Now that we've gotten through that nasty business, tell me more about yourself," she says with a smile.

We continue talking and laughing until the table is cleared and a variety of desserts are served. We eat our dessert chatting like old friends, after talking with her for so long I understand her behavior from before. She has a family to protect and from a parents' point of view children don't always make the best decisions in choosing partners.

"Let's go for a walk. Who knows how long he will take with his phone call," Mrs. Eason says.

"Yes, ma'am," I say and stand to accompany her.

Just as we are getting ready to leave the room, Mekhi enters with a complicated look on his face.

"What's the matter son," Mrs. Eason asks.

"It's nothing, just the same conversation with Dad as usual," he says with a small smile.

"Don't pay your father any mind. He just wants the best for you," she says comforting him.

"Yes, I know. I have already decided so he shouldn't try to change my mind anymore," he says coming to my side and I stand in confusion unsure of what is being discussed.

"Well, I'll give him a call later on," she says with a smile.

"Don't worry about it Mom. Anyway, were you just heading out now," he asks.

"Yes, we were going to take a walk," she answers.

"We should be getting ready to leave Mom, we have a long drive ahead," he says checking the time.

"It's not that late, give me just a little more of your time," she says with a sad smile.

"Okay, we will stay for a little while longer," he says nodding his head appeasing her.

"I hope this okay with you Lena," she says to me.

"No, it's fine. I didn't have anything planned this evening," I say quickly agreeing.

We exit the booth and restaurant with their security detail then head to the grounds for a walk. While we are walking and chatting Mekhi holds my hand and gives it a squeeze every so often. I smile at him and return his squeeze. His mother chats away and we eventually agree to a day and time to bring the two families together to meet. After accompanying his mother back to her room two hours later we are finally on the road headed back home.