Driving Home

Waking up the next morning, the space next to me is empty. I stretch and grab my phone to check the time. After a long day and night, I finally got more than six hours of sleep. Just fifteen minutes before nine, I get out of the bed and stretch some more before fixing the bed and brushing my teeth and washing my face. When I exit the bathroom, I begin gathering my belongings and get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I pull my hair into a bun and only apply lip balm, keeping my look simple. I text my parents with the time I plan to be home, then grab my duffle bag. After packing my duffle bag, I gather all of our laundry and take it down to the wash room and start the wash machine.

Leaving the washroom, I decide to look around for Mekhi. The first place I check is the kitchen, seeing that he's not there, I check the workout room next. That room is empty as well, upon entering the third room which happens to be the office, I finally find him. He has his computer on and documents spread across his desk as well as an ear piece in his ear indicating that he's either on the phone or just finished a call. He looks as if he has already worked out and showered because he is dressed casual and the smell of his shower gel is fresh.

"Good morning, baby," he says with a smile when he notices me standing at the door.

"Good morning, working hard," I say with a smile.

"Barely, just going over some documents. I see you're almost ready to go," he says hooking his finger to beckon me to come over.

"Yeah, almost. I've just put the laundry on and made the bed," I say as I walk over to him.

"You didn't have to do that. What time did you want to leave," he asks wrapping his arms around my waist as I stand in front of him.

"After breakfast, I still have to load your car with my stuff, pick up my car and load it with the stuff from your car, then drive home," I say listing it all for him.

"That's fair, I've had you all weekend. Besides you're going to see your place today, right," he says.

"Yes, I'm excited," I say with a smile.

"I see. Don't forget to invite me over," he says with a smile.

"Of course! I'll probably begin moving things over slowly after exams," I say.

"Just let me know and I'll make time to help you out," he says seriously.

"Okay, but don't skip out on important things to come and help me. It'll only be some small items," I

say to him.

"Helping you out is an important thing. I won't cause you any trouble, let's go and have breakfast," he says standing and kissing me on the lips.

"Okay," I respond and he takes my hand and leads me out of the room.

"What do you have a taste for," he asks once he sits me on the stool in the kitchen and stands on the other side of the island.

"Whatever the chef wishes to make," I reply to him.

"Hmm, how about oatmeal with fruit and eggs," he asks.

"Sounds perfect," I say with a smile.

"Good," he says and turns around.

Breakfast takes about twenty minutes for him to make. During that time, I put our laundry in the dryer and return my seat. When he's finished he places a bowl of oatmeal in front of me that has fruit one side and two eggs over easy on the other. He then places two glasses of orange juice on the island then come around to join me in blessing our food.

"This tastes amazing," I say after my first spoonful of oatmeal.

'This is some of the best oatmeal I have ever had! He even put walnuts into the oatmeal. It complements the fruit so well.'

"Thank you, baby," he says with a smile after chewing his food.

We continue eating our breakfast in silence besides an occasional anecdote from one of us. Finishing our food, I wash the dishes and wipe down his kitchen once again. When I'm finished, I see that he has taken all of the bags that were by the door down to his car.

"Almost ready to go," he asks.

"Yes, let me get the rest of my things from the room," I say then head up the stairs.

"I'll help," he says following behind me.

Reaching the room, I pick up my bag and phone. Mekhi slings my duffle bag over his shoulder and we leave the room. Reaching the living room, I put on my shoes and jacket. We leave and lock up his place then go to the car.

The car ride to the campus is peaceful. We don't feel the comfortable silence with any unnecessary noises. I once again think about the events of the weekend. I'll have more time to think it over during the spring break vacation. Arriving on campus and pulling up to my car, Mekhi cuts the engine.

"Let's get your car started and loaded," he says unbuckling both of seat belts and holding his hand out for my keys.

"Okay," I say giving him my car keys then opening the door.

He opens both of our trunks and starts my car. I begin helping him load my car up with bags. When we finish, we lean against my car hugging for a little while before deciding that it's time to leave.

"Alright baby, let me know when you have made it home," he says holding my face then kissing me.

"Okay," I reply when we're finished kissing.

He opens my door and helps me into the car, then returns to his own vehicle. I wave to him before I pull off. Driving home, when I get to the first light I connect my phone with the car and call Nova, who calls the rest of the girls for a group chat.

"Na na! How is everything," Nova asks.

"Yes! You haven't said anything to us all weekend," Rylie says excitedly.

"Hey guys, how are you," I say.

"Heyyy," Susu says finally making presence known.

"Hey, now answer the question," Rylie says.

"Hey, hey…so what happened," Nova asks.

I briefly tell them everything that happened since we last saw each other at the party. Glossing over some of the details I don't want to repeat, which I'm sure they can fill in the gaps on their own. They talk about their weekend's briefly as well knowing that we have time to really chat tomorrow at the spa.

"So now you're headed home," Susu asks.

"Yes, I'm going to have lunch with the family then head over to check out my new place," I answer.

"That's cool, you're so lucky," Rylie says with excitement.

"Yes, I'm grateful for my parents for sure. I would say that we all could move in together but you

guys may have different plans," I say.

"It would be cool if we could all move in together, but with boyfriends, school, and other obligations I don't think it would work out," Nova says.

"I don't think so either," Susu says.

"We could always have sleepovers though," Rylie replies.

"That's true," I reply with a smile.

"Besides none of us spend enough time in our own home because we're outside most of the time anyway…who would cook the food," Nova says with a laugh and we all join in.

"That's fair. It would be like we're not even living together," Rylie says.

"At least we thought about it," Susu adds.

"Yeah, at least we thought about! Well I just got to the house, I will talk to you guys later," I say as I pull into the driveway.

"Alright, bye," Nova says.

"Byeeeee," Rylie says.

"Later," Susu says and we hang up.