Spa Day

Finally finished with the first day of exams! I'm so excited I could scream, I think I did pretty well on both exams. Walking to my car, I text the girls and we decide to meet where I am before heading over to the spa. I place my school bag in the car and wait outside leaning against the hood of the car. While waiting for the girls to arrive I exchange texts with Mekhi until they reach me.

"Wooooo," Rylie shouts as she gets out her car.

"Yes, day one down," Nova says following Rylie's excitement.

"Now it's SPA TIME," Susu bellows and we all laugh.

"I'm ready to go if you guys are. I have been looking forward to this since we planned it," I say with excitement.

"Yes, I think we all have been looking forward to today," Nova says.

"Definitely, I even have my suitcase almost completely packed for vacation," Rylie says.

"My bag is packed, if I try to add anything else in that bag it might explode," Susu says and we all laugh again.

"I haven't even started packing for vacation yet," I say guiltily.

"Well what are you waiting for? A special invitation," Rylie asks sarcastically.

"Yes," I say laughing.

"Well here it is," Rylie replies pretending to hand me an invitation.

"Alright guys let's go, we'll have time to chat when we get there," Nova says being the responsible one.

"Okay, we will be following you," I say and we all get into our cars and prepare to wait for Nova to leave out first, next is Susu, then Rylie and I bring up the rear.

Nova leads the way to the spa we have been patronizing for the last two years. The drive is about forty five minutes long just to ensure we don't lose anyone along the way. Even though Susu has just become part of our group it feels as though she has been with us the whole time. Once we arrive we park near each other and head inside. As we arrive early, we are asked to remove our shoes and socks and wear the slippers they provide us. We are then shown around the premises, then taken to the locker room where we change out of our clothes and into robes. We chat excitedly as we decide to visit the sauna before going to our scheduled facial appointment. We fill each other in on all the details of our weekend as we sit in the sauna detoxing our bodies. It seems as though we all need this vacation desperately. I offer the girls solace in my new place so that they know they can always escape to my house to get away from it all whenever they need it.

"The guys are practicing for the upcoming championship game aren't they," Rylie asks.

"Yeah, the game is Friday," I answer.

"So you may not be able to see your guy as often this week," Susu says.

"I know, but that's alright. We just spent the entire weekend together and we have vacation together next week," I say as we wait to be called for our facials.

"Plus its good not to be too clingy, guys generally don't like that," Nova says.

"Yeah, they don't. They like to be needed but they want breathing space as well," Rylie adds.

"And I like my space as well. Not that I don't want to be around him but I'm comfortable enough to be by myself and be perfectly fine. He's good with that as well though, he gives me space when I need it," I say.

"I'm not good at clingy, Isaiah wishes I were a bit clingier. He says I'm too independent, but I don't know how to be closer to him the way he wants," Susu says.

"I think you just have to let your guard down and maybe call or text a little bit more," I say to her.

"And you could praise him a little more when he does something for you," Rylie adds.

"I think he just wants you to want him, you know? Sometimes just being in each other's presence is enough. Let him do things for you that you would normally do for yourself, like taking you back and forth to work or share the burdens of your life with him. Like Devin for example, sometimes I have him accompany to look after my siblings or do some shopping while he pushes the cart and carry the bags. Even just listening to one another breathe on the phone while we are doing something else is enough. Being needed and clingy are kind of one and the same don't you think," Nova says wisely and we all stare at her with wonder in our eyes.

"Teach us, teach us sensei," Susu says pretending to bow to her.

"Yes, teach us," Rylie and I say at the same time following Susu's bow giggling.

"Guys, it's not really that hard to understand. Have you ever paid attention to how your parents interact with each other or the dramas we watch and the books we read. Like my mom always asks my Dad to open jars for her or reach something on the top shelf even though she can do both by herself. She lets herself be dependent on my father so that he feels important to her…I don't know I can't explain it too much," she says exasperated.

"I guess we will just have to do better in the future," Rylie says.

"Definitely," I say agreeing with her.

As we are sitting locked in our own thoughts we are finally called in to get our facials. After getting a towel wrapped around my head and going through a few formalities I am able to finally lay back and relax. I close my eyes and enjoy the pampering my face is getting from someone other than myself. Even going through the motions after my break up with Jay, I always maintained the treatment of my face, skin, and hair. It became something I focused on to make it through those dark days.

About an hour later, I am able to get up and stretch with my face feeling very light and refreshed. The girls and I go to the lounge area to rest and talk until it is time to get our massages. Thinking about how relaxed we feel, it probably would have been better to have this spa day later in the week. With the championship being Friday and the foot traffic in the spa at the end of the week I guess today is the best day we're going to get.

A few hours later, we emerge from the spa fresh faced, relaxed, with manicures and pedicures ready to devour food. Since it's our last official girl's day before vacation we make the most of it and find a place to eat. We end up going to the diner near the café just because familiarity. When we arrive, we find a booth and order a lot of food. Not wanting to mess up our freshly manicured nails we eat everything with utensils.

"Today was so relaxing, thank you Lena," Susu says gratefully.

"It's no problem really! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself," I say to her with a smile.

"Yeah, you're one of us now so we will definitely look out for you," Rylie says.

"That's what girlfriends are for! Let's hope for a speedy rest of this week and a slow peaceful vacation," Nova says giggling.

"Yes," we all say giggling with her.

"We can all go to my house and relax before we go to the airport on the day we leave. I can show you guys around and maybe get some stuff moved over there," I say with a smile.

"Yeah, we can play music and order food," Rylie says.

"It's a plan," I say with a smile.

We continue eating our dinner until we are nice and full. We take our time actually leaving the diner because we are so full that we cannot move at all. We laugh at our over indulgence and wish that we had someone to pick us up. After a round of hot tea and animated talking for a little while longer, we finally found the strength to leave the diner after paying for our enormous meal. Walking to our cars arms linked together, we start our cars and hang out in the parking lot for a little but before leaving to go home.

"It has been a great day, I'm so tired I don't think I'll be able to keep my eyes open once I'm out of the shower," Nova says with a yawn.

"Same and I told Zain that I would stop by before heading home," Rylie says agreeing.

"I didn't make plans to see Isaiah tonight, I'll probably call him on the way home though," Susu says.

"You should call him, only if you have hands free capabilities," Nova says warning her.

"Absolutely, I don't want to put my life or anyone else's in risk just to have a phone conversation," Susu nods in agreement.

"Okay, we just want you to be safe," Nova says with a smile.

"Thank you girls, I really appreciate your care for me," Susu says with a smile before she releases a big yawn.

"Alright ladies, I think we should call it a night. We can hardly talk without yawning at this point," I say yawning as well.

"Good night everyone, send a text to the group chat when you've made it home," Nova says walking to her car.

"Good night," the rest of us echo as we walk to our cars.

When I get to my car, I contemplate giving Mekhi a call, but I decide against it and just drive home. It's not that I don't want to talk to him, but I think a little bit of space and time is healthy for a good relationship as well. I'll just text him before I go to bed. Thinking about it, he's probably busy between midterms, preparing for the championship, and managing a business…I'm not even sure how he finds the time to do it all. Not to mention being able to spend time with me the way he does, he has to be tired at some point.

Reaching home, I drag my tired and full behind in the house along with the things I took out the door with me this morning. I text the girls as soon as I step my foot into the house. I take my shoes off at the door before heading up stairs to drop my belongings off in my room then going to check on Mom. As I am getting ready to knock on her door, Jackson sees me and tells me that she has already gone to sleep. Not wanting to disturb her rest, I thank him then go back to my own room and get undressed to begin my shower routine. Soaking my body in the very warm shower water, I imagine the relaxation I felt in the spa and compare it to the few baths I've had at Kai's place and they don't compare. Finishing my shower, I follow through with the rest of my bed time routine and am barely able to keep my eyes open as I fill in the last pages of my journal. I put my journal away and make a note in my phone to stop by the bookstore to get another leather bound journal. Remembering that I haven't said a word to Kai all day I send him a good night message, turn the lights off, and close my eyes.




I realize that I'm no longer dreaming and my phone is actually vibrating, I pick up the phone without caring to check who it is and answer it.

"Hello," I say softly with my eyes still closed.

"Hey baby, sorry I'm calling you so late," Mekhi's deep velvet voice says tingling in my ear and sending shivers down my spine.

"S'alright, is everything okay," I ask unable to open my eyes.

"Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice. I haven't heard from you all day," he says.

"Sorry, I was going to call you when I was on my way home, but I know you have practice and other things to do. I didn't want to disturb you," I say apologetically with a yawn.

"Its okay, no need to apologize. You were being considerate of me, just know you can always call and I will answer for you no matter what I'm doing,��� he says smoothly.

"Mm, I'll remember that for the next time," I say to him.

"Get some rest love, I'll talk to you later," he says smoothly.

"Mmkay, good night," I say with another yawn.

"Good night baby," he says with a chuckle and hangs up the phone.