



My alarm sounds and I am ready to just snooze it until I realize that it's the day of the parade for the team. I look at the phone and see that Mekhi has texted me saying that they should be arriving in about four hours. With his notification, I set another alarm and sleep for two more hours. Last night's activities has definitely exhausted me. Finally waking up, I chat with the girls and get ready for the parade all at the same time. I ask Mekhi where should I stand for the parade and naturally it's somewhere near the stadium where it ends. I go down to the kitchen to have something quick to eat because only the heavens know when I will be able to have my next meal.

"Good morning, Na-na! Are you heading down to the parade," Dad asks happily.

"Yes, I'm getting ready to meet the girls now. I just wanted to grab something to eat before I leave," I say walking over to him to kiss him on the cheek.

"You can have this, I'll pack another," he says handing me a lunch bag.

"Are you sure Daddy, I don't want to take up too much of your time," I say to him hesitantly.

"Yes, of course. We will be heading over to watch the parade as well, except we will be at the beginning so it's easier for us to leave," he says placing the bag in my hand and take out bigger lunch bag.

"Oh okay, are the twins going with you," I ask him.

"No, they left for their spring break destinations last night," he says.

"Mmm, Dad what exactly is in this bag," I ask feeling the weight of the bag as I lift it off the counter.

"A few things…sandwich, waters, fruit, snacks, and an ice pack," he says nonchalantly.

"Thanks Dad, I appreciate it," I say smiling.

"Sure, sure. Now get out of here to get down there. It's bound to be traffic along the way," he says shooing me out of the kitchen.

"Yes, Daddy," I say obediently.

"Make sure to take your sunscreen, glasses, and hat," he reminds me.

"Of course, Dad. See you later, love you," I say as I walk through the living room to the door.

Once I get to my car, I start the engine and open my trunk. I place the lunch bag inside my back pack that I keep my martial arts gear in and hide my wallet within a secret compartment that the bag holds. I'm not sure if I'll need sunscreen, but I slather some all over any way making sure to completely rub into my skin before placing it into the back pack as well. I then use a wet wipe to clean the sticky residue of the sunscreen from my hands. I finally get into my car put on my shades as the sun is shining brightly and head toward campus. Talking to the girls while on the way, we all simultaneously arrive at the stadium at the same time. Getting out of the car after sitting in it a little too long due to the traffic caused by the parade was a welcome feeling.

"Hey girls," I say excitedly stretching my arms and legs.

"Hey, there's no time to talk. We've gotta walk down to where the parade is being held," Nova says slinging a bad over her shoulder and locking her car up.

"Yes, let's go girl! I know we're at the end of the procession but we still have to find a good spot," Rylie says backing her up.

"Indeed, plus I brought food that I am ready to eat as soon as we get down there," Susu says.

"Alright, alright! I have a bag with some food in it too," I say opening trunk to get the bag.

"Great, then I apologize for rushing you," Nova says with a laugh.

"It's alright, I have something to tell you guys anyway on the way down there. Something that you just will not believe," I say locking up my car and we link arms as we walk towards the area where the parade will.

"What's up," Rylie asks as we walk.

"Jay called me yesterday," I say rolling my eyes.

"Wait, what? When? Why," Rylie asks all at once shocked.

"What an asshole! How bold of him," Nova says angrily.

"Tell me about it! He called me yesterday morning talking about getting back together and wanting to talk. I was so mad, but I was driving so I had to control myself," I say to them.

"Wait, why didn't you tell us last night at the wing place," Rylie asks.

"Honestly, it was the furthest thing from my mind during that time. Especially since I spoke to Mekhi before meeting with you guys," I answer.

"You told Mekhi," Nova asks shocked.

"Of course not! I didn't want to ruin his concentration and cost him the game, I'll tell him later," I say to her.

"Good, that was the best decision," Nova says nodding her head.

"Then Jay had the nerve to call me again late last night, and me expecting it to be no one else but Mekhi answered the phone for him," I say shaking my head.

"Oh my goodness how annoying," Rylie says.

"Yes, still saying the same thing," I say to her.

"So this is the guy that you told me about before," Susu asks trying to make sense of the conversation.

"Yeah, the same asshole," I answer her.

"Wow, he has a lot of nerve," she says shaking her head.

"Doesn't he? Anyway, I was talking to Mom about it just because I couldn't hide how upset I was about his initial call and she says that maybe I need closure. I'm not sure if that's what I need, but I am contemplating whether I should meet him and lay all of my cards on the table so that he knows where I stand. There is no way I would get back with him, especially now that I have Mekhi," I say to them resolutely.

"I wouldn't go back to him even if there was no Mekhi," Rylie says in a huff.

"Definitely not, he already showed you who he is the first time. Even if he is a better person at this point in his life, his apology is too little too late," Nova says matter of factly.

"Exactly, he betrayed you and left you in a very vulnerable place. Anyone who claims to love you will not leave you hurting like that even if they're at fault," Susu adds and I automatically think back to the drama from the party last weekend.

'Mekhi didn't leave me alone. He allowed me to vent my anger in any way I wanted to. He was patient and kind. He also took the time to explain things to me clearly, never blaming me for my actions or emotions. And he took my side without hesitation. I am making no mistake in choosing Mekhi over Jay, even though it was never a second thought, it is something that I am very clear on. I can't allow my past to affect my future, I definitely have to make it clear to Jay.'

"You guys are right, I know what I'm going to do," I say after pausing to reflect on my current situation.

"Whatever it is, we will support you either way," Nova says comforting me.

"Of course," I respond to her and we continue walking to the end of the parade line chatting about the situation.

When we get to our place we immediately divide the food we brought between ourselves and eat. Not wanting to overstuff ourselves we only eat about half of the food we have. Mekhi texts me telling me that they are getting ready to get off the bus and address the press from the float. I tell the girls just as we begin to hear music from speakers that has been set up as well as marching band that's some distance away. With food in our bellies, a good atmosphere, and great people accompanying us we get into the celebratory mood. We take all kinds of pictures and sing all kinds of chants and cheers as the parade finally makes its way towards us.

As the participants march, walk, jog, or ride by they are handing out all types of items to the crowd lined street. Everything from t shirts and water bottles to bracelets and reusable bags are being passed to everyone on the sidelines. The parade goes on and we can tell it that it's getting closer to the players' float because our university's marching band is coming up with the POMS squad ahead of them. Behind the band is the cheerleading squad beautifully made up and shaking their pom poms as they shimmy past the crowd. The anticipation builds as the championship players' float gets closer and the chants get louder. As the media walks alongside the float covering every detail from start to finish, the crowd gets louder and more excited.

The team's float is finally passing us and the crowd around us goes crazy. They begin throwing confetti into the air and calling out their favorite player's names. I cheer along with them waving at everyone and winking at the players I know from Mekhi. Looking around my eyes finally land on my tall, brown, and handsome man and I smile ever so brightly as I wave and blow kisses to the one who has all of my attention. Unsurprisingly he kisses his two fingers and extends his kiss to me. The girls in the crowd scream as he sends out his kiss and I roll my eyes. Between him and me, we know who the kiss belongs to and that's all that matters to me. After the main float passes by the rest of the parade feels as though it goes by rather quickly. The girls and I stay and participate in the festivities until Mekhi calls looking for me.