Just Us

Waking up the next morning, my mind was a little foggy but thankfully I did not have a hangover. I rub my eyes then reach out to touch Mekhi only for my hands to come up empty. I sit up and realize that Mekhi isn't in bed or the room. I get out of bed and stretch remembering that I'm wearing nothing but a robe. I find myself a pair of panties, bra, and summer dress to put on before going into the bathroom to freshen up. After freshening up and making myself look presentable, I leave the room in search of Mekhi.

Walking into the living room, I see him standing on the balcony with his shirtless sculpted back turned to me. I can see that he's on the phone as he has one hand to his ear holding the phone and the other in his pocket. I lose myself looking at him, that I guess he finally feels my burning gaze as he finally turns around and flashes a mega-watt panty busting smile. To add to his oozing unreal sexiness a breeze blows through his short dark curls and he runs his hand through them as the sun light beams off his satiny brown skin looking like a male model in some TV ad. He begins to walk toward me as he ends his call and I'm unable to move as he gets ever closer to me.

"Good morning my love," Mekhi says tenderly with loving eyes before kissing me gently on the lips.

"Good morning Kai," I reply blushing from his gentle kiss.

"How do you feel," he asks wrapping his hands around my waist.

"I feel fine, my mind is a little foggy other than that everything else is okay," I answer under his loving gaze.

"Good," he says tucking a loose curl from my messy yet styled bun behind my ear.

"Did I interrupt an important call," I ask him shyly placing my hands on his hard bare chest feeling his soft warm skin under my fingertips.

"No, now that you're up we can have something to eat," he replies.

"Now? What time is it," I ask him and he shows me the time on his phone and I die a little inside.

���What's the matter," he asks confused.

"It's nearly lunch time! Why didn't you wake me up," I ask panicked.

'I wasted a whole morning that I could have used to walk the beach due to my drunkenness.'

"So what, we're on vacation. It doesn't matter how long you sleep. Besides you had a long night and you needed all the sleep that you've gotten," he replies sweetly.

"It does! I've wasted a whole morning," I dry cry and slap his chest.

"And what could you have done this morning that you can't do now," he asks lifting my chin with his finger causing me to blush.

"I, I don't know. Anything besides sleeping," I stammer as he looks questioningly into my eyes causing my blush to deepen as it heats my ears.

"Well then, let's have brunch then we can head out for the day so make sure you're dressed comfortably," he says before planting a second kiss on my lips.

"Where are we going," I ask him wondering if I need to change my dress.

"Out to play," he says with a gleam of playfulness in his eyes and his signature half-smile.

"Okay, do you think this is appropriate enough," I ask gesturing to my pretty maxi dress.

"It'll do, you'll need your swimsuit and maybe some shorts as well," he says taking in my curves wrapped perfectly in the dress I'm wearing.

"Are you going to tell me where you're taking me," I ask excitedly clasping my hands behind his neck.

"You will see when we get there," he says into my ear and his warm minty breath sprays along my cheek and neck sending chills down my spine.

"Okay," I say nodding my blushing head in agreement.

"Let's eat," he says and grabs my hand pulling me into the dining area signaling the staff to serve us.

'I had no idea there was anyone in the room with us. I certainly didn't see or hear them come in.'

He pulls my chair out for me, then walks around to his own chair and sit down. The staff begins arranging the dishes on the table and my eyes light up at the variety of food. We then hold hands to bless our food before we eat. Mekhi immediately begins to load food onto my plate and I want to stop him. However I remember my "award winning' drunken night and decide not to stop him. I just watch him as he gracefully cuts my food into bits then pour me a generous amount of orange juice before turning his attention to his own plate.

"Thank you," I say affectionately.

"You're welcome," he says with a smile.

I begin eating my food and it tastes better than I could have imagined. We spend our brunch stealing glances of one another and smiling when we're caught. The atmosphere is loving and calm as we enjoy each other's company. When we're finished eating Mekhi signals the staff to come and clear the table, then stands and pulls me along to the bedroom. We both brush our teeth and wash our faces once more. Glad that I've brought along my mini back pack, I pack it with shorts, a t shirt, my bathing suit, and extra sun screen as well as a few other things. Mekhi pulls on a t shirt covering his sculpted body from my sight.


"Are you ready to go out with me today," Mekhi asks as we finish making sure that we have everything.

"Yes, will it just be us," I ask after confirming my readiness.

"Yes, I've let everyone know that we need some time to ourselves today. So it will be just you and I the entire day," he says looking into my eyes for my reply.

"Okay, I'm okay with it just being us today," I say blushing at his intense gaze.

"Good because I'm okay with it being just us as well," he says grabbing my hand and pulling me into the living room.

"Are you still refusing to tell me where we're going today," I ask as we exit our room trying to recover from my blush.

"Yes, you will know when arrive," he says as we wait for the elevator.

"Fine," I say pouting a little and walking directly into the elevator when it arrives with my arms crossed and cheeks puffed.

"Don't be like that love," he says pulling me into his arms as the elevator doors close.

"Humph," I say and turn away from him.

"Alright then," he says and the next thing I know his lips crash with mine then easily devour them.

"Hmm," I moan into his mouth forgetting my poutiness immediately.

He deepens his kiss pulling me close to him as he continues his assault. I pull him even closer as I mount my own counter attack against him. The kiss slowly changes the atmosphere as it's getting heavy and erotic as his hands roam my body…in this very public elevator. He slows his kiss down and release me just as we reach the lobby leaving me bereft and panting for air. He pulls my hand as we walk out of the elevator and into the lobby then out the main door. A black SUV with tinted windows pulls up in front of us as we reach the curb and Mekhi opens the door for me helping me into the vehicle before getting in himself. I look in the front seat and see Jerry in the driver's seat and some unknown man in the passenger seat.

"Hi Jerry," I say with a smile.

"Hello, Miss. True," he says politely.

"Put your seatbelt on," Mekhi says reaching over to put on my seatbelt.

"You're already doing it for me, thank you," I say sitting back and allowing him to click me into my seatbelt.

"Alright Jerry, you know where to go," Mekhi says after putting on his own seatbelt.

"Yes, young master," Jerry replies then pulls away from the curb.

"Where are we going," I ask hoping to get an answer from Jerry.

"Somewhere fun. Just relax and let me take care of you…okay," Mekhi says into my ear sending chills down my spine and not caring that there are other people in the car with us.

"Fine, okay you win," I say blushing and pushing him away from me.

"Finally," he says accepting his victory with a devilishly handsome smile and I shake my head at his childishness.

"Petty," I nearly whisper and look out my window.

We ride for about twenty five minutes along the coastline and arrive at the aquarium. My eyes light up at the sight of it as I turn to Mekhi and shake his shoulder in excitement.

"We're going to the aquarium! Why didn't you just tell me? I love the aquarium…but why do I need a swimsuit and shorts," I ask excitedly nearly bouncing in my seat.

It has been years since I last went to an aquarium. I was maybe around ten and my grandmother had taken me along on a weekend excursion that included visiting the aquarium and a few museums. I really miss her visits, maybe we can convince her and Grandpa to move back closer to us.

"I'm glad you are excited about this, the swimsuit is for later on when we're finished here," he says with a smile.

"Aww, can you give me a clue," I ask him poking my bottom lip out pleading.

"Sure…you need your swimsuit," he says with a chuckle and I slap his arm.

"No fair," I say trying and failing not to laugh.

"All is fair in love and war," he says with a mischievous smile.

"Who said anything about war," I ask slightly confused.

"Your 'friend' last night," he answers leaving me temporarily speechless.

"Young master would you like to go to the main entrance or the rear entrance," Jerry asks interrupting our little spat.

"The main entrance is fine," Mekhi answers pulling on his shades and I do the same.

"Yes sir," Jerry replies and pulls the vehicle around to the front of the building.

"Young sir and Miss," the extra security guard says opening the door for us.

"Thank you," Mekhi says after helping me out of the car.

"Sir," the security guard replies bowing his head to Mekhi.

"Thank you sir," I say to him as Mekhi grabs my hand.

"Miss," he says repeating the same gesture to me.

We then walk together with a small crowd of people to the entrance of the aquarium and wait in line to pay the admission price before going inside. Once inside, we remove our shades because it's dimly lit so that it's better to see the fish in their "natural" habitats. I take out the brochure and map the best route to see all of the exhibits without having to back track as well making time to visit the gift shop.

"Alright baby, I'm following you so lead the way," Mekhi says grabbing my hand after listening to me map out our route.

"Okay," I reply and lead the way.

We walk through the aquarium hand in hand looking at the exhibits with excitement (well I'm excited) and patience. I don't even resist the urge to take pictures, so I do. I just make sure that my flash is off so that I don't scare any of the marine life. I look over at Mekhi and he's looking at me warmly causing me to blush.

"Why are you looking at me like that," I ask shyly through my blush trying avoid looking him in the eyes.

"I like seeing you like this…carefree, worry free, and just genuinely enjoying yourself. It's refreshing," he says easily tucking that same loose curl behind my ear and I look up at him through my eyelashes.

"Am I being childish," I ask biting my bottom lip.

"No, you're being human. Being happy about something as small as visiting an aquarium shows your innocence and your optimistic view on life. You may have had a rough deal in the last year but it hasn't stopped your raw love for life and has made your light shine brighter," he says pulling me close to him and holding my chin up so that he can look me in the eyes.

"Kai, I like that you always have something nice to say. It makes me feel like I'm more than what I think I am…I am in no way insecure but you make me feel like someone special," I summon the courage to say to him boldly.

"Because you are someone special…to me so in my eyes, you can ever do anything wrong," he says before kissing me lightly on the lips.

"Thank you Kai," I say then grab his hand while pulling away from him to drag him to another exhibit.

A few hours later, I have successfully dragged Mekhi to every exhibit in the aquarium as well as the hands on exhibit and the gift shop. I didn't go overboard buying souvenirs, I did however get our picture taken in front of the aquarium and purchased a pretty frame for it to go in. Now we're sitting at a little restaurant close by having a late lunch.

"So where else are we going," I ask Mekhi attempting to get an answer from him.

"To play somewhere fun," he says giving nothing away.

"That could be anywhere," I say pouting.

"It's a surprise, you'll know when we arrive," he says with a small smile.

"Then I'm ready to go! I can't take the suspense anymore," I say excitedly.

"Alright," he says and signals the waiter for the bill.