The Last Night Pt. I




The alarm goes off ending our nap before an evening of dancing and drinking. I turn off the alarm then roll over to wake Mekhi, whom I just realized is no longer in the bed. I jump out of the bed and head to the living room where I assume he is working. I walk lightly so he doesn't hear me coming as I get closer to the living room, I see that he's not there, but on the balcony with his laptop on the small table and cellphone to his ear. I attempt to quietly walk over to him and kiss him on the lips as he looks over at the sound of my not so quiet approach.

"Baby, did you sleep well," he asks placing his call on hold.

"Mm, I did. Did you sleep at all," I ask him glancing at his laptop and phone.

"I slept for a little while, I've rested enough for tonight," he responds.

"Are you sure you still want to go out tonight? I don't want to keep you from your work," I ask him not wanting to come between him and his business. Partying just isn't that important.

"Its fine baby, I was just finishing up before you came out. Go and freshen up, dinner will be here shortly," he says with a hint of finality.

"Okay," I respond and take my leave so that he can finish up his call and I can freshen up.

I walk back into the bedroom and make the bed then, head into the bathroom to freshen up. When I'm finished I take out a dress to wear out for the night as well as accessories and shoes to match. I then gather all of our belongings we sent out for dry cleaning and begin repacking my suitcase so that there's less for me to do in the morning. I stuff my Koala into the new suitcase I purchased just for him and zip him up with a few souvenirs that I picked up for my family…and myself. Just as I'm laying my clothes out for the plane ride tomorrow Mekhi calls me for dinner so I finish my task and meet him in the dining room.

"Smells delicious," I say as I walk to my seat.

"Mm, I know what you like," he responds pulling my chair out for me.

"Thank you," I say nodding my head as I take my seat and he walks around the table to take his.

"You're welcome," he answers and removes the lids to the trays of food.

"Yay, it's a pasta night," I yelp happily clapping my hands and dancing in my seat.

"I didn't know pasta could make you this happy," Mekhi says shaking his head.

"Food in general makes me happy, but I do love pasta," I respond smiling and shaking my head.

"Good, then it shouldn't be a problem getting you to eat a good amount of food before you go out drinking and dancing tonight," he says as he begins placing pasta on my plate.

"No it won't be a problem at all, I just have to refrain from overeating because I don't want to have a repeat of the first time we went out for drinks," I answer him.

"Well that all depends on you love. Can you handle seeing your ex should he show up tonight," he asks with raised eyebrows.

"Absolutely, I have everything under control. You might have to stay near me if I do come across him," I answer determined and confident.

"Why," he asks.

"Because I might try to kill him if he asks to get back together again," I say with a giggle.

"You'll be fine, I'm sure of it," he responds shaking his head.

"Mm, as long you're by my side I'm sure I'll get through it one way or another," I say agreeing with him.

We chat while we eat our dinner, keeping the atmosphere light and peaceful. I ask him a few questions about his work and the progress he's making. He answers my questions flawlessly and offers to teach me a few basics when we're not busy. After dinner, we put on our shoes and take a short walk along the beach before the madness of the last night of vacation. Returning to our room we shower and prepare for the evening out with our friends. The dress I chose to wear this time is a simple sleeveless cream colored lace dress with a mock neck. Although the dress isn't sheer, I still wear a bra and panties that match the same cream color. My makeup is done to perfection for a night out and I spray on some of the perfume that Mekhi bought for me before. I look at myself in the floor mirror as I put on my accessories and lastly my heels. My hair is pulled into a sleek bun at the top of my head with a few loose curls around my face. I smile at me reflection before picking up my phone and taking a ton of selfies then checking out which ones to upload to my social media account.

"Mm, mm, mm you look so divine baby," Mekhi says startling me as he slides his arms around my waist.

"Thank you," I say smiling in his embrace and raising my phone once more to take a few selfies with him.

He participates in my little photo session for a short while before taking my phone and tossing it onto the bed.

"That's enough of that," he says after he's tossed my phone the turn me around to face him.

"What now," I say biting my lip and snaking my hands around his neck.

"Hmm," he hums as his eyes darken then begins running his hands up and down my body before pulling me close and kissing me light yet aggressive enough to convey his feelings.

"We should get ready to leave," I say breathlessly after he releases my lips.

"Okay," he says releasing me with a devilish smile causing me to blush.

"Hmm," I clear my throat and point to my lips to indicate my lipstick has stained his lips.

"Meet me by the door shortly," he says as he uses his thumb and forefinger to clean his lips of my lipstick.

"Yes," I nod then take a moment to gather myself.

I look into the mirror and touch up my lipstick then grab my phone and wristlet off the bed. I give myself one last once over in the mirror before turning off the lights and exiting the bedroom. As I walk over to the door, Mekhi is pulling on his blazer and fixing his cuffs.

"Ready to go," he asks taking my hand in his as I reach him.

"Yes," I reply and he opens the door and leads me out of the suite.

We end up meeting the second half of our group at the elevator making for a lively trip through the lobby as we board the party bus for our last hoorah of this vacation. We laugh, joke, and have one glass of celebratory champagne before arriving to the nightclub. Again, we get in easily and have a VIP section prepared for us. The girls and I make our way to the dance floor as we did before.

"I can't believe this is the last night of our vacation," Susu says dancing next me.

"I know it's like the days just flew by," Melissa chimes in.

"That's because we were having a good time," Rylie says.

"Well let's end this vacation with a bang," Jasmine says with a smile.

"Absolutely! Might I add how lovely you all look tonight," Nova says as she moves her hips to the beat of the song playing.

"Yes ladies, you all have come to slay with the looks you're giving tonight. Let's leave it all on the dance floor and give these people something to talk about," I say and let the rhythm of the music carry me away.