Finally Home

"Lena, you're back! How was it," Jackson says coming down the stairs.

"Yeah, it was great. I had a really god time. I have some souvenirs for you guys," I say as I grab one of the suitcase handles and begin to roll it toward him.

"Oooh thank you," he says helping me with the other suitcase and we make our way up the stairs.

"Where is everyone else," I ask.

"Hey big sis, you're back," Journee says coming out of her room.

"Yeah, I've got souvenirs! Come into my room so you can see what I got," I say opening my door and we all file in.

"When did you have two suitcases," she asks as she sits on my bed.

"I had to get the second one while I was there," I reply.

"Why," Jackson questions as he brings the other suitcase to the closet door.

"Open it up and take a look," I answer as I begin to unpack the first suitcase while inside the closet.

"Woah, this koala is huge Nana," Journee says taking it out for Jackson to see.

"Wow, how'd you end up with this massive thing," Jackson asks shocked.

"Mekhi won it for me at an arcade," I reply smiling foolishly to myself.

"Of course brother in law in capable of winning you such a great prize," Journee chirps.

"Brother in law? Enough of that, it's much too soon. Anyway do you see the souvenirs I brought back for you guys," I reply with a blush.

"Sure, sure it's only a matter of time anyway," Jackson says agreeing with Journee.

"Maybe, maybe not but it's certainly too early to know. Tomorrow we will have dinner with his parents and I believe it could make or break our relationship. Even if we stay together without someone's approval, eventually it would get too tiring to continue go against the grain instead of going with the flow," I say as I continue to unpack and put away my clothes.

"It'll be fine. Are you nervous," Journee asks coming to the closet door with a shirt thrown over her shoulder and sunglasses sitting at the top of her head.

"Right you've already met his mother. I don't understand why you're so nervous," Jackson adds.

"Yes, I know I've already met his mother but this is on a whole other scale. His dad will be there…and well tomorrow is just a big day for sure," I say stopping myself from revealing Mekhi's identity.

"Well something must be up if it has you this nervous," Jackson says noticing the internal struggle I'm having.

"Yeah, anyway do you like the souvenirs I brought back for you," I say changing the subject.

"Yes, they're nice! Thank you," Journee says with a smile before returning to my bed.

"You're welcome! How was your break," I ask them taking the spotlight off of me.

"It was good and tiring. The hiking was a killer, I don't think I've climbed so much before but it was a much needed workout. Camping was fun as well, we got a lot of fishing done. I think I'd be okay if I didn't have fish for a while," Jackson says with a laugh at the end.

"Sounds like an adventure for sure. Hiking doesn't sound too bad as an outdoor workout, I'm thinking about going back to practicing martial arts at least part time. I feel like I've been letting myself go for a while and want to get back to some type of normalcy," I admit the thing that's been in the back of my mind for a little while.

"Then you should do that, if it's something that you feel you should do. I think you should think about all of the things you plan on doing and make sure you have enough time in the day to do those things. Just try not to overwhelm yourself too much especially because Mom is going to have the twins and you're going to want to be here for that too," Journee says wisely.

"You're right and with me wanting to take more courses to accelerate my graduation it will be a lot on me if I try to take on too many things. I will think it over, anyway how was your break," I ask her.

"It was good, I had fun and am ready for the auditions to knock the part out the park. Anyway you know you don't have to accelerate your courses. I know you have your reasons for doing it but you should pace yourself a little bit. Anyway we're going to get ready for dinner," Journee says and pulls Jackson with her to leave my room.

'She's right.' I think to myself. I have to slow down and evaluate all that I'm trying to do as well make time for myself and Kai.

I spend the next half hour putting everything away, since we were able to have our laundry dry cleaned I didn't have any dirty laundry. When I'm finished my task, I turn on my speaker and play some love songs. I look around my room that is emptier now than it has ever been and I can't help but feel a little sad. I will be moving away from the place that has been my home for my entire life and holds so many memories. My throat burns a little but I repress the tears in my eyes; this room will belong to one of the new babies and they will create new memories here. I stop my pity party and make my way downstairs for dinner.

"Hey mom, hey dad," I say as I reach the kitchen.

"Hey Nana, how was your trip," Dad asks.

"It was good and much needed. How about yours," I ask taking a seat next to Mom after hugging her.

"We had a good time and really enjoyed ourselves. The fresh air helped so much with the morning sickness," Mom says with a smile.

"That's good to hear. Did you like the souvenirs I brought back," I ask her with a smile.

"Yes, and the matching shirts for the babies are too cute and very thoughtful. These babies are so loved already. By the way we have a surprise for you as well," Mom says with a mischievous smile.

"Well…what is it," I ask as I think about what it could be.

"Your grandparents are coming sooner than expected…they will be here in two weeks," Dad says watching my reaction.

"Whaaatttttt!! Really, I'm so happy," I say jumping up and down in my seat like an excited child.

"We knew you would be happy to hear that," Mom says with a warm smile.

"Very happy! I can't wait to see them," I say genuinely happy and anxious to see them.

"I think we're all ready to see them. It has been a long time," Dad says.

"Well you know my mother doesn't let any grass grow under her feet," Mom says.

"That's true," Dad says agreeing with Mom effortlessly.

"How are you feeling Mom," I ask her seeing that she looks as though her pregnancy is finally beginning to agree with her.

"I'm feeling well, really well. I'll be at the end of my first trimester soon and it feels as though the morning sickness is ending with it…thank goodness," she says with a warm smile.

"That's good to hear," I say nodding my head.

"So, how was your trip? The real answer this time," Mom says raising an eyebrow.

"Well, that's my cue to leave. Jackson and I will go by the restaurant to pick up dinner," Dad says before kissing Mom on the cheek and making a bee line for the front door with Jackson behind him.