The camps are not safe.

Kaley and I went inside while I skimmed through their list of people that are in here. One of the soldiers served as our guide as we went inside.

"E... E.... E... he's not here. Oh! Juan is here but Carl isn't. K... K... K... D... D... they're not here too. The camp at Malanday has better organization. Hold on, why is Juan the only one here with his last name? I remember the soldier said he came with his GF but I thought he would also be bringing his family over as well. Something might have happened." I thought to myself.

There are four buildings here and we went to the building where all the civilians are placed in. We discovered that most of them are huddled in a few spots and some were chatting normally. We saw the earlier group and I could see an older woman crying uncontrollably. The guy with the angry expression glared at the soldier we were with but he looked away when the soldier we were with looked at his direction.