B 4-4? - Kid... I think we're taking the wrong people. - Project Fishing (1)

Matthew heard his wife volunteering and he immediately cut in to our conversation.

"Wait! You don't know how to use guns, it's dangerous out there!" Matthew said as he walks up to us.

"Then come with us and stay close. Better yet, teach me how to use one now since I've been wrong in not learning it. We need to find decent people inside there that could help us here. I don't want to see people dying again. The bonds that they have here after a few days is tight and I've talked to each one of them yesterday. They almost all have the same sentiments and me doing this helps us a lot." she explained.

"Can't the kid just record them and you analyze it here?" Matthew replied.

"Hmm, I used to do that before but up close and personal would be much better." she said while Matthew gives a disgruntled expression.

"What are you so worried about? We got your daughter and this young man with us. He's better at you with shooting guns." she added.