New Pistol - Luck?

I went back to my room to wait for the broadcast and I pulled out my Glock 19 from my holster. I removed the attachments after clearing the barrel and removing the magazine. I cleaned it for a short while and placed it back in its respective case.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Kaley finally came back and she laid her guns in the table while I looked at my collection.

"I'm looking for a new pistol to use." I replied.

"A new one?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of using the Maxim 9. Using one thing for too long will get me too accustomed to it and would make using new stuff a bit weird for me." I replied.

"But wouldn't it be weird to use new stuff too? Like when I switched to this CZ from the Beretta?" she asked.

"Yes and no. I've shot at least a few thousand rounds for each gun I could get my hands on. I could operate everything based on memory now and what I'm avoiding is the time when you switched the M70 for the AR-15." I explained.