Make something good!

While we're driving home, Kaley made use of her rifle to shoot down zombies while inside a moving vehicle. She learned what Lois was doing last time when Lois came with us but now she's polishing up everything that she knows.






"Why did you shoot it?! I was about to-" I cut her off.

"Hey now! Don't get agitated when you miss! Breathe and reset. Don't dump all the bullets at once. You'd waste more bullets that way if you do that." I explained when she started to shoot several times in succession. I holstered my gun after shooting the one she was aiming for when she missed a couple of times.

"That was a hard target actually. It was also swaying its head and we're moving too at this speed." Jared chimed.

"*sigh* I kept on grazing it but I was so confident I could hit it. The random way it moved made it hard to anticipate where it would move next." Kaley pointed her rifle down.