You are terminated.

A few casings clinked when they touched the flooring when Kaley fired the last shot. It was towards the guy limping his way, trying to find cover even if bone is already sticking out of his leg. The noise of the M70 that Kaley fired would've attracted a large number of them because a muzzle brake is attached instead of a suppressor. Despite that, only the closer ones to our direction got attracted but they would still redirect towards the slums.

Black smoke is still billowing out from that direction and a few small explosions are occurring maybe due to propane tanks or other flammable objects catching fire. The C4 Rod planted that didn't detonate still hasn't because they wouldn't in real life even if you shoot it with a bullet. The gunshots that we are hearing from that place have lessened significantly compared to earlier but I could still hear a few automatics going off in the distance.