More Ideas - Route to take?

My group was about to set fire to the bodies we cleared outside but I had another idea on top of what we were doing.

"Mikhail, Ibarra, bring a couple next to the ones here and burn the ones that are left. I had another idea." I said to them.

The two followed me but Jared was looking like thoughts were running through his head, figuring out why I ordered another batch to be taken into account.

"Before you say anything, before these ones became hollowed out from the inside, they were normal ones, right?" I started.

"Yeah..." Jared replied.

"Maybe, just maybe, we could figure out more or even get lucky if we install the last couple of smartphones to their bodies as well. I don't know, maybe the normal ones that weren't reduced to cinders turn to this kind of thing once left alone for a while? Or..." I trailed.

"Or what?" Kaley became curious as well.

I was in deep thought but after placing the smartphones on their person, I immediately called Marvin.

