Maybe - Zdravstvuyte

My eyes were still adjusting to the dark but I heard our blanket getting flipped over and some clothes rustling right next to it. I just removed my shirt, only wearing my boxers and I went under the blanket, hugging Kaley from the side. She was laying on her back while I rested my head by her chest and she raised her arm so I could snuggle closer.

"We're doing something quick then?" Kaley said softly while she was caressing my hair.

"Maybe~" I replied, wrapping my arm on her waist.

"Why do you keep answering with maybe? Acting mysterious and all… get up here..."

"Why? I love it here..."

"J-Just… get up here..."

"I might kiss you, you know?"

"Hngh~ W-Who says I w-won't do it first?"