Mudak? - Hmm, wanna have a go?

From the days of staying in the confines of our compound, Kaley and I had more time with each other. There was always a few times when our 'neighbors' would get involved but as always, I would enjoy and even do it with more fervor when it was just the two of us. I would honestly prefer if it was just us two but I wouldn't change the way she thinks and behaves.

I love every fiber of her being and I know that I wasn't perfect myself. I could also give recognition to our 'neighbors' because they understand the situation we were in and they were free to enjoy whatever they wanted as long as deeper feelings like love weren't in the picture. We were really close friends with each other but that was as far as I would carry it.

It was an unspoken rule but I was sure that they understand and feel it just by the way I was with them compared to Kaley.

I was deep in thought and I forgot that I was being held hostage.