Standard - Now we wait...

My group couldn't comprehend whether I was serious or not but I continued, "We're just bringing back reinforcements but we'd be only camping out at our outpost that Lawrence was assigned to. I want to bring those things down as fast as possible but not without the proper or perfect set of circumstances. A lot goes on if we don't plan for it and we'd lose people if we're careless."

Lois wore a serious expression, "So we'd just watch if it would wander in our outpost and take it down but we go looking for it when morning comes?"

"Yeah, it's stacking the deck in our favor. There are a few things we haven't tried too."

Each of them slowly understood my intentions and we continued to drive back. However, we made a quick stop at Lawrence's outpost to remind them that we would stay the night and all hands should be on deck.

A approached Lawrence with several soldiers clad with their rifles, "You heard the call, right?"