Reasons - $4,999?

Almost everyone who heard what Harold said turned their heads and gave weird looks before continuing with their meals. The rest of his team caught the weird glances but all they could do was just sigh and keep quiet. More and more questions started popping in my head while I was maintaining eye contact with the man himself.

Harold took a big sip from his cup of coffee, "Hmm? Problem?"

I replied, "Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out the reason for that."

"Why? Is everyone here armed like you are?"

"Except for kids and other special circumstances, yes."

"Ah, so you're giving away your weapons? I heard you're generous but not this generous."

"We're not just giving them away. We have programs so to speak. You pass it, you get one. You pass more, you get more. Think of it as being drafted or something similar."

Harold continued eating as he took a huge spoonful of rice, "I see. Let's just say that in her case, she failed every single one."

"What do you mean?"