More than fucking enough.

It only took all of us a short moment to exhale a little bit of air to change the expressions we were wearing. It was like a switch we would flick the moment we would start placing a foot in the grave, taking down anything in order to pull it back. These few months felt longer than they should but the feeling was always the same when we're outside.

I just pulled my blade and my pistol, "Go."

We dashed down and broke off into our specific spots, clearing each stall along the way. We were currently on the 3rd floor but it didn't take long before we were getting ready to blitz the 1st floor from both sides. Leaving a member from each of our team on the roof, the 3rd floor, and the 2nd floor would lessen our firepower by a chunk but to quote Harold, 'We're enough.'

'More than fucking enough.'

Mikhail and I pushed down two loaded refrigerators straight down the escalators.