Outpour - PUT THAT DOWN!!!

We were dazed for a short moment but it didn't take long before the tower adjacent to it also had an outpour of dead bodies. They almost blocked the sun from our angle and I would've cursed my team if we were below them. They all came from different floors but I could fucking hear the crunch in my head the moment they landed, scraped, and smashed on the hard pavement, the smaller buildings below them, or the upturned and broken down vehicles below.

However, not all of them were free-falling.

From a dozen or so floors above the ground and floors much lower down, it looked like several figures leaped into the air like a free-runner would before using the pile-up below as padding. As soon as they landed, some of them limped in place as they were slightly injured but all of them survived the jump. We couldn't identify if there were more of them because the sound of glass breaking didn't stop.