Involved - One Week

The big guy Mikhail just clocked was still trying to get up when two more guys: one tall-skinny and one with a muscular build tried to team up against him. I was just about to step in before Artem stopped me. He just blocked me with his arm before looking at me and scratching the side of his cheek.

"Just watch, Nyebo… He'll handle it, I think..."


The guys that came for Mikhail were also wearing cuffs and even if they had the numbers advantage, they couldn't perform as freely as Mikhail could.

He easily shook off the two before sending another overhead punch to the big guy that just got up, breaking his nose and making him topple over. Blood instantly poured out from the big guy's nostrils but as soon as he found his footing, he charged straight for Mikhail and tried to tackle him to the ground.

The distance between them shortened in an instant but Mikhail grabbed the big guy's head, clutching a clump of hair, before making him kiss the ground.