Lucky Hit - Hazing

Time continued to pass until it was sundown, and our meeting and our dinner went on as they should.

We had a hearty meal prepared for everybody and after that, I received the report about what happened from the days I was gone. It was going swimmingly for the most ports right until I gave them my report.

To spare most of them the details, I just used obscure words only the adults could understand but then we officially introduced the new people that would be staying with us.

Granted it was a little awkward to officially welcome the kids and their representatives to our compound after the few days they have been here already, everyone still gave them a warm welcome.

It's just that I couldn't help but notice Ethan and Melanie barely touching their food when they ate with everyone. Nevertheless, they still talk when spoken to but they were really out of it compared to Sheila.

But to my surprise, Ethan was present at the gym when Kaley and I went up.