Swindlers - Brawl

As I got a look around, almost everyone present was starting to turn their heads towards us. And if I'm not fucking crazy, they seemed to be gathering their members and they were starting to envelop the two of us in their 'turf'. Despite that, Mikhail and I were still sticking our heads out like meerkats, trying to look for the vehicle in question.

The two of us were walking casually, carefully checking and admiring each vehicle we passed by, and I even took note of some of the upgrades or attachments they had on their own.

The usual ones were simple reinforcements on the windshield, windows, and the front and rear bumpers, but we saw vehicles with spiked hubcaps, a mounted harpoon, a sound system probably for attracting herds, and a few more with dangling chains with hooks attached on the end.

Some of them weren't even cleaned properly and it was an outbreak waiting to happen with one wrong move.