The Best Alcoholic and Shameless Baldies

As the race continued, everyone was beginning to empty out the first keg but there were certain groups that had just started on their second one. The first in line was the Castillo family followed by the de Leon Family and then the Alvarez Family. My own team and the rest were more or less even at the back and like last time, the Garcia family always remained almost invisible.

The standings at the front were as such because even if the Castillo Family had a beer 'tank' of their own, everyone else had something similar.

Quinn was still the center of attention among our beer drinkers—even if she was trailing behind our dwarven warrior guy—and in my group, there was Mikhail and Bogdan. However, I wasn't entirely sure why they weren't trying to down as much beer as they could since all of them were keeping a moderate pace, even Jose.