Taste of His Own Fucking Medicine

As soon as I did, the look of shock couldn't be hidden from the pack I was starting to leave behind but the two were still going at it even if they were receiving strong electric shocks. However, they could only take so much at a time so they would stop when the light was red but would race as to who would strike first when the light was green.

From watching the two, Number 68 had a familiar moveset from a character I used to play in a fighting game where all I'd need to do to win was mash two buttons over and over while Mr. Castillo's right hand was mostly using a mix of moves— though he would almost always opt for illegal strikes if they were in an official match.

Eye-gouging, hits to the back of the head, and even shots to the groin were his primary moveset and it was making his opponent pissed off more and more.