Lotion - Jesus?

The end of Quinn and Edith's match was a little anticlimactic but we'd need to take account of their relationship. They didn't need to go on each other's throats and attempt to end the other's life but to just put on a good show, and teach a thing or two.

Quinn learned that raw power wasn't the end-all while Edith learned… learned a few things necessary for her to stand on her own feet.

She learned that tight-knit relationships could still be unwoven, she learned that simply cornering someone by a move of hers wasn't the end of the fight, she learned that some people would sacrifice part of themselves just to win a fight, she learned the consequences of holding back, and most of all, she learned that Quinn was just teaching her how to be tough.

That full-powered slap was a lesson she'd never forget though there was more to it than that.