Forget the list. He goes to the block.

Kaley exclaimed as she was kinda playfully glaring at me—because I used to joke about her being an actual psychic, and making another attempt to spread her "skills" was getting a little too out of hand. But despite that, Quinn and Edith took it as a joke but it was only a matter of time before they thought differently.

To be completely honest, I also regard it as a running joke between us but the way Kaley could filter out people—though not at 100% accuracy—was still outstanding.

It didn't take long before the four of us made our way to the line in question and I was surprised to see a few dozen people waiting to pledge to our house.

"Oi! He's here! He's here! Line up! Line up!"

"Line up properly!"

"That's the new head?"

"Hah?? Where were you yesterday?"

"I was already out since 7 PM, woke up in my vomit and shit…"


"Can we really get in?"

"One way to find out, no?"

"He rejected everyone last time…"

"Persistence has some merits, we just gotta show him we're serious."