Bouldering - Logan

Our late lunch concluded after everything died down and Anne approached me with Zyra to tell me about what they accomplished while we were away.

"Let's see… I kept some watch on the CNC Machine in case anything broke down or malfunctioned, and since you wrote down what I should make on it next, it is now milling a few iterations of the logo. And yeah, Zyra here came up on me while I was assigning people to make bodyweight equipment and she suggested making use of one part of the wall to make some sort of a bouldering wall."

"Oh! That's great, actually."

Kaley nudged me, "Bouldering?"

"Kinda like rock climbing but the distance is much shorter and you'd only need your shoes and a crash pad," then I turned to Anne and Zyra, "Going all in, huh? You know, a simple pull-up or dip machine can already work wonders given enough time."

"But we need more variety, no?"

"That is true but is there a place where you can get holds? Is a bouldering gym nearby?"