Ethanol - Who are you people?

As soon as I asked Quinn that question, she just looked at me like I'm an idiot but she leaned back and rested her elbows by the steps—sticking her chest out—before she gave me an answer.

Well, another question to be exact.

"Look at me and this place. What screams at you the most?"


Quinn partly unzipped her overalls, revealing her cleavage that was fucking bigger than most women's full tits, "Just answer the first thing that comes to mind."

"Well~ We have a top-class rough mechanic with huge tits and hard muscles that can build engines and customize anything with wheels so… Is that it?"

"That's barely an answer. And you didn't have to add "rough" on my title, let's just call it an acquired aesthetic, no?"

"Hmmrgh… Really though, that's my answer. This place screams Mad Max and Mr. Olympia had a love child."

Quinn started to scratch her head but Anne was also getting confused at her line of questioning.