Deals - Woody

Seeing another mutation for the first time in a while made the jolly atmosphere somber for a minute but Jesus was the first one to put on a smile before throwing the head back into the cooler.

Doing that could've damaged the new specimen—because of its cracked head and all—but that thing surviving Jesus' driving probably meant that their group uncovering it was a complete accident.

They could've picked it up after a brush-in with a weird horde but I wouldn't be sure unless we know the whole story.

'It could also be a Stitcher's pawn but that in itself is a special…'

I was still in my thoughts when Jesus spoke up.

"Enough about that shit. Mauro will deal with that when he—"

I cut him off, "How much?"

"What?" Jesus turned to me, much like everyone else who heard my voice.

"That head, how much would you sell it for?"

Jesus turned to Quinn before looking back at me, "Are you for real? What are you gonna do with it?"