Filling in the Quota II

To give a small image of what the wet market looked like, it was shaped like a sunflower seed of sorts where the tip and pointy of the seed was at the far end—that ends with a tall wall on one side and other shops on the other also separated by walls—while the other end was the open entrance where the parking area was also located.

Some parts of the wet market had second floors—even third floors on some parts—but it was all a huge jumble of small shops packed together in one place.

With that said, the way we met with Jesus' station wagon was when the herd following after him was bisected right at the far end of the market—where they were forming an upside-down 'V'.

On that note, I meant "we" as the people in my Raptor because everyone else would be coming for the deadheads' backs from the other side.

This was a plan made in haste but I'm sure everyone from the other side would have it a little easier.