A Nobody's Pursuit To Change

I thought it wouldn't hurt to play a joke on Allyssa who was so strung up about something only 1% of the whole population was worrying about, but it seemed that saying that I had a couple thousand credits on my ID didn't match Cass' reaction. But yeah, since Ron conveniently flicked my ID back to me, all izz well and I still had the means to have the upper hand in this conversation if I so desired to.

Though Allyssa didn't want to be kept in the dark.

"Y-You two are hiding something! Tell me! How much—"

I cut her off as I chuckled, "Who fucking cares? I still haven't—"

"I do! It's really important to me! I'll—"

"Hah! You went from refusing any help to downright demanding it as if I owe you, huh?"

"That's—" Allyssa stopped herself momentarily before taking a deep breath, "I… I apologize… It's just that this matter is that important to me and knowing that I'll be able to catch a little break for once got the better of my emotions…"