Shots Fired

Getting injured in your hand, part of your wrist, or in your forearms wasn't exactly an emergency compared to getting stabbed in your vital organs, but it was still painful though it wasn't as evident on Elsa's face—except for her forehead vein sticking out like a sore thumb or a… you know, a vein.

And to my surprise, a modified electronic car that was "highered" and that could go off-road was already present by the exit.

Though Elsa blew up, "Why'd you have to call a car over, Sebastian?! The clinic's just over there! I can— We all can see it!"

"But you're hurt, my lady, and your comfort's our priority."

She turned to me with an annoyed look, "See what I deal with on a regular basis—"

I scoffed-chuckled, "If you were Kaley and you acted this way after getting hurt, I would've chopped the back of your head already so you'd pass out so we could get on with it…"


I turned to Sebastian, "I'll do it if you won't—"