Felling Trees To Whittling

It didn't take long before noon came and the Philippine version of rice balls after a workout such as this just hits differently.

Tatiana and Kuzma exclaimed in surprise from the first bite, "Woah! I've never had this! Why don't we ever have this?! This is insanely good!/ God, I'm gonna get big from the amount of food I'm eating ever since I joined you guys…"

To give a brief description, these rice balls of ours could be made in any number of ways but the gist would be to at least have a… you know, a ball of rice with any type of viand on it, then be wrapped into a ball or any shape with banana leaves.

It's commonly sold by small shops or vendors that would walk around the area to sell them though their shelf life isn't that long.

I chuckled as I shook my head, "We never had these because it's not eaten commonly in the cities… It's more of a staple around these areas and even though it is delicious, it's probably the hunger talking…"