A Full Meal

After that incident, even if it ended on a lighter note, from the looks a select few were exchanging, I assumed that they were having second thoughts about wanting to hear the whole story—because they already had more than an inkling about it, and it was enough—or they wanted to know more than everything… including the behind the scenes footage and the director's commentary.

But yeah, there were a few changes to our plans and one of them was to explore more of the areas we haven't been to.

Though with the time we had left before sundown, we only managed to visit a couple of their production plants that processed their produce to either dried goods or these varieties of juices packaged in colorful juiceboxes.

I'm not sure as to why they still needed to put them in those colorful packaging but hey, it does make me a little more thirsty seeing them in vibrant colors compared to an old cardboard box.