Job Change? - Rude Awakening

At this point, not only Tania was the one wearing a difficult and bitter expression because the words I've said cut deep enough for the realization of their current situation to actually "sink" inside their heads. It was a difficult position to be in their shoes because they were still living lavishly even if the world had already ended, and their lives flipped upside down just because they haven't attended a fucking welcoming party.

However, it didn't take long before Shirley had another realization of sorts because not only did I prevent her "friend" from offering herself to random people just to not see their neighbor's faces, but I also made Tania think twice about harming herself because that pain I inflicted to her would definitely be memorable for quite a bit of time.

It's not like I didn't hear her pleas to just "give" her friend to her because she's gonna die anyway but I did it MY way, not hers.