At this point, everyone else was waiting for Kaley to calm down, and let me tell you, it did take more than a few minutes, but the moment she let out this long~ and drawn-out sigh, she looked at me with a serious expression before kissing me. After that, she hugged me again which was just as tight as earlier before she turned around to face everybody:

"A-Alright… Are we having a serious conversation now or are just messing around?"

Jennifer started, "I was partly serious because I did think of it—but yeah, I'm in my late 30s, have to pass it on to someone at least."

Rachel replied, "Wait, and you're making ME carry it?"


"Nuh-uh. I don't mind having kids but you're not passing on anything if it didn't come from you. You know how passing it on works, right?"

"Of course, I do. A doctor gets the eggs from me then he jerks off in a cup then bada-bing, bada-boom, after a short bit, they put it in you—"