Mud Fight - Tatiana's Signature Move

This type of thing was something I've arranged and advocated a few times in the past to bridge the gap between two aggrieved parties and it was akin to putting a bit of violence in our old CRT TVs in order for them to work. However, I completely forgot about these people eating almost nothing or straight-up garbage for the past few months but at the end of the day, we wouldn't worry that much about injuries or something along those lines.

It was because 90% of the guys and some of the girls wanted to let out a ton of aggression and hate—and even if they were doing it for the opposite reason I intended them to come upon naturally, they'd just come to the realization sooner or later like I did with Bartow.

And yeah, this shit would also provide some good entertainment and perhaps they could be an opening act for some of the fights that may or may not come out of the blue.