Taboo? - The Real Story

As the night went on for a few more hours, let's just say it was nice to have more people in charge of aftercare—Mimi, Nancy, and Dr. Nichols—because before, it was almost always just me or with Kaley if I didn't go overboard with her. It wasn't a requirement or anything because it was sort of a double-edged sword: it's great I have some help dealing with the mess after but it was making me think I haven't done enough because they could still walk.

But yeah, after taking care of everyone and putting them to sleep, the five of us enjoyed a hot soak in the bathtub. It was pretty crowded but two of us being small made it possible.

Kaley rolled her eyes, "Doofus… Pfft— You're thinking about that?! Weren't you the one who told me male rabbits need more female partners because they do it a lot and if there's only one female partner he could copulate with, the female might get overworked?"