Start of Hell Week II - Rank Yourselves

Marvin raised his hand, "I'm not the group's leader anymore since we all branched out but yeah, being able to experience all the other outposts and this one, I'd say this is the best."

"Can I ask why?"

"I mean, just the comfort alone—"

Brian cut in, "It's the food for me."

Carlo added, "The things to do. There's a lot to do, honestly…"

Ashley followed, "Everyone's nice and it's really safe."

JP then followed, "It's not as strict but it's not easy-going either… A little more on the easy-going side but it's… you know, a perfect balance."

I let out a smile, "Ding! Ding! Ding! Points to Slytherin—"

"I-I'm a Ravenclaw, actually—"

"I don't give a fuck, it's just a metaphor but it's a pretty easy question, no? Sure, it still has its set of problems—we just had two of them very recently—but mi casa is the best, no?"