I’m sorry, but I’m with the kid on this one.

If it was any other day, a decent number of our soldiers could tolerate hellish training for a day but doing it in succession—and in our case, a full fucking week—it'd spell all sorts of trouble for everyone. However, at least half of the boys present laughed it off because a good number of them couldn't tolerate the alcohol content in Oscar's Homebrewn Mead.

Better yet, it could just be the fatigue setting in and the alcohol just adding bits to it because it wasn't even an hour before all of them fell asleep to wherever they were sitting on.

Oscar cackled, "Buncha fucking lightweights, I tell ya!"

Matthew took another sip of mead before chuckling, "We should line them up, at least. Sleeping like that gave me back problems."

Johnny shook his head, "They're young, they could do it a bunch of times more compared to us."