Early Morning Jackassery

As Kaley said that, everyone couldn't help but agree, especially Jennifer—maybe even Rachel. Honestly, the promise of improving one's body from a simple injection was very enticing for everyone else and it's just the negatives that was holding them back from pursuing them.

But yeah, Jennifer could see the glances everyone else was giving to the freezer but she waved them off as she tried to explain her side:

"That's… That's the mindset I had when I applied to be one of the soldiers to have the privilege of taking those things—and I'm gonna be a little bit hypocritical like my father because I also did PEDs to gain muscle and mass. Was it great? Fuck yeah! For everybody else though, not so much."

Rachel let out a sigh as Jennifer said that but she still nudged her with a smile as she rubbed her shoulders, "It's okay, I'm okay…"