Someone's Happy. - BROOOOO!!!

Out of all the things this dumbass would pull out, it was the fucking dildo—and if he didn't wave it around someone like Cindy, I would've loved a repeat of the time from this other love hotel where we found a bunch and used them as fucking lightsabers and a percussive instrument for one of Phil Collin's songs.

'He's having too much fun…'

In any case, once I entered the room he was just in, the place was definitely packed with myriad shit ranging from essential stuff to luxury items.

I wasn't even sure how they found the time to collect several mini-fridges—and it was unfortunate some of the items had already expired inside—but two of seven had melted chocolate, ice cream, etc. and it'd be at least a year before we reach the expiration date.

But yeah, I asked Tatiana to lead the group up with a few others while I checked everything here with Isaac because we were only in one of three rooms and we didn't even know what else we could find in this place.