Fastback - Chicken Legs

As soon as I asked that, Katya threw over a separate trash bag that contained bits and pieces of a dead toddler in which they'd already crushed its skull. It would've caused panic among everyone else but it seemed like even if these babies had the ability to attract the dead to their location, every other deadhead in their radius was already taken care of or wasn't tantamount to anything.

Isaac scratched his head from the side, "We did encounter a handful heading in this direction even if we didn't make much noise—"

Tennyson disagreed, "We still made noise earlier, that doesn't count. Or at least I think it doesn't. It could've been the slower ones that didn't make it as fast or the ones further away."

Isaac rolled his eyes, "You really wanna disagree with what everyone says, huh?"

"Just giving out possible options, no harm intended."

"Haaa… You're pretty stiff… Loosen up—"

"How about no?"

"Sure… Suit yourself, buddy…"