Dipping Toes

Before, all I knew about this particular ability was like dipping my foot into this black pool of raw emotion made from hate, anger, and every negative emotion I've experienced ever since that time. I've been very careful not to fully plunge myself into that pool because I'd definitely lose myself but it was also true that I had come close to that a few times.

Though ever since the revelation or breakthrough after that session with Marisha, I found more ways to tap into that particular pool—and surprisingly enough, it allowed me to mold or develop the intense desire I had before into something almost intangible plus all the other things I used to have access to before.

One particular example was my strong intent to kill a certain individual—and don't fully quote me on this—could now be turned into a strong intent to violently beat someone up or just straight up lop their head off, but still, it was on the realm of extreme violence.