Pick a side - 'Sup?

As soon as I popped Marvin that question, he just looked at me with a complex expression—and I was a little glad because he was actually thinking about what to answer. If I asked this to any other person, they'd just brush it off or answer jokingly, but with the few percentage of people that'd actually answer, I'd like to hear from someone who really values the friendships and relationships he formed with people.

"I… If it was just a limb each I— that would've been the obvious answer but— Hmm… I— Asking me that now, I… I probably had two limbs chopped off but I don't actually know when it comes to that. I'm… If it really comes down to it I… Shit… My answer could change depending on the circumstances but I-I have to know more, sir."

"Like what, exactly?"

"I thought it was a deserted island—"

"I guess we thought wrong. Not deserted after all."

"Huh. Also, could I pick which limb to chop off?"