The Principe?

From my experience doing this thing with everyone else, it'd look like they'd momentarily ground to a halt—and it was enough time for me to finish things, but from what I was seeing from Joe, as long as he was expecting it and was aware of it, he could move just fine. However, as backwards as this may sound, the moment I took killing intent out of the picture and went with just speed, he didn't even notice the back of my blade mere millimeters from his neck.


To avoid killing one of Iskoh's rising stars, I was limiting the output to the minimum—but the moment I ran with none at all, I didn't think I'd end this exhibition match this way.

It was because even if I didn't lop Joe's head off, I completed my swing and went all the way through—leaving an indent to the side of his neck and knocking him out with that one blow.