Clean up - Aoi-Verse

While we could've made ourselves more useful, we had more than enough people to go around—and even though their adrenaline had weaned off from our little breakthrough, no one could just sit still knowing there were at least a hundred thousand zombies just floating in our waters.

But yeah, it didn't take long before Iskoh asked me to come up in his command center of sorts—bringing a few people with me and the rest staying to do whatever they pleased.

In any case, we started discussing ways to avoid this sort of thing from happening again and while building connecting bridges or walls to the entrance of Manila Bay—it'd take a long-ass time and we don't have enough people or resources to develop or maintain such a huge project.

"I mean— we can do it theoretically, but, we should start with something small."

"Like what?" Iskoh asked after sipping from his cup of coffee.

"Is that premium shit or instant?"