Updates - Number 6, Lucy

In all honesty, I was more relieved to see that even though Alexander had some kinks to work on, he seemed to be a very "normal" dude—I could easily get along with, like everybody else—even more when Marisha and I escorted him back to his room with a leftover bento.

As weird as it may sound, he was like a dog we took out in the day and sent back to his cage as soon as it was over—but yeah, let's also say that ticking off his well-being and recovery in my box was just a matter of time.

Then I heard a familiar voice calling out to us while we were walking back to the compound:

"Hey! What are you doing with my wife?!"

Marisha and I rolled our eyes as we turned back to see Matthew with Lois, Olivia, and a few others. It seemed like their shift of cleaning up the Manila Bay was over and the other convoy of vehicles driving opposite them had just started theirs.

"Ah— My bad, Mrs. Marisha looks a lot like Kaley—"