Jackie's Shadow - Jonathan's Game Idea

While I have a healthy relationship with Kaley and everyone else—adding on my experience with June, I might have sounded confident from my brief talk with this chick, Lucy, but it was definitely chaos in my head right now. Because one, Quinn already had a domineering aura around her but Lucy had something on the same level—though quite different—as she leaned over to me.

But yeah, as what I usually do with challenges in my life, I laughed it off—or in this case, I let out a chuckle as I gave her a brief reply:

"You gotta take me out to dinner at least, ya know? I'm main-gaining, by the way—"

"HAH! My meat still had protein on it, what's the problem?" she let out a chuckle as well.

"You'd be surprised from my servings though."

"Is that right?"

"It's more than a full-course meal, mind you. You can ask around here."

"Heh, I don't listen to hearsay though—I'd like to witness it from my own eyes."